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In order to be a student in CUNYfirst, certain records must exist.  These records are ACAD_PROG, ACAD_PLAN, STDNT_CAR_TERM and STDNT_ENRL.  An enrolled student means that the student is taking one or more classes for a certain term.  An active student means that the student is active in a program.  An enrolled student is always active but an active student is not always enrolled.   

Every student must have a program record, ACAD_PROG, the layout of which appears below.  

About Effective Date - The EFFDT allows history for the student to be stored and EFFSEQ allows multiple transactions for the same EFFDT. These are reserve words in PeopleSoft and have special functions. Query recognizes this special-ness and creates code accordingly. STDNT_CAR_NBR is important in the CUNYfirst environment because a student may have multiple careers. Another important field, but not a key, is INSTITUTION. Because CUNYfirst has many institutions, this field MUST be considered in order to narrow down the selection and to join to other tables.

Other important fields in this table are: ACAD_PROG (i.e., UGRD, MBA, etc.), ADMIT_TERM, DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT and PROG_STATUS.  Another field of interest is the ADM_APPL_NBR. If this ACAD_PROG record was created through the application process (Admissions), this field will have a value. It allows the user to return to the application to find data captured there, such as the ADMIT_TYPE.


Field NameDescription/Notes
EMPLID   Empl ID (key)
ACAD_CAREER  Academic Career (key)
STDNT_CAR_NBR  Student Career Nbr (key)
EFFDT   Effective Date (key; the current record is the maximum effective date, less than or equal to today, for the EMPLID, ACAD_CAREER and STDNT_CAR_NBR) 
EFFSEQ   Effective Sequence (key; this field allows multiple transactions for the EFFDT. The current record is the maximum effective sequence for the EFFDT.) 
INSTITUTION  Academic Institution (this is not a key but should be considered one because there are multiple institutions in CUNYfirst. Always delimit your selection by INSTITUTION.) 
ACAD_PROG  Academic Program (the student's program  MPA, MA, MBA, UGRD, etc.)

Academic Program Status ('AC' active – a student MUST be active to be term activated; 'CM' completed – the student has graduated; 'CN'  cancelled; 'DC'  discontinued; 'DM'  dismissed.

This field is derived from PROG_ACTION.) 

PROG_ACTION Program Action (what is happening, such as MATR matriculation, DATA  data change, DISC  discontinuation, etc.)
ACTION_DT  Action Date (the date of the action, always defaults to today's date)
PROG_REASON Action Reason (why the action is taking place)
ADMIT_TERM Admit Term (the term when the student started)
EXP_GRAD_TERM Expected Graduation Term (the term when the student should graduate)
REQ_TERM  Requirement Term (the term which governs the rules for graduation.) 
ACAD_LOAD_APPR Approved Academic Load 
CAMPUS  Campus 
DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT Degree Checkout Status (if a student has applied for graduation, or has graduated; 'AG' applied, 'AW' awarded, etc.) 
COMPLETION_TERM Completion Term (the term in which the student graduated)
ACAD_PROG_DUAL Dual Academic Program 
JOINT_PROG_APPR Joint Program Approved 
ADM_APPL_NBR Application Nbr (if this student came through the Admissions process, this number can be used to retrieve the application.)
APPL_PROG_NBR Application Program Nbr 
DATA_FROM_ADM_APPL Data from Admissions Appl 
SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR Candidate Number 
SSR_YR_OF_PROG Year of Program 
SSR_SHIFT Academic Shift 
SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID Created By (the user who added the record.)
SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM Created (when the record was added.)
SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID Updated By (the user who change the record last.)
SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM Last Update Date/Time (when the record was changed last.)


ACAD_PLAN contains the student's plan, which is the major or minor. A student MUST have one plan but there could be more than one. ACAD_PLAN is owned by ACAD_PROG, so the five keys of ACAD_PROG MUST equal the first five keys of ACAD_PLAN.  The table layout is below.

A student may have multiple plans but one is required.

Field NameDescription/Notes
EMPLID    Empl ID (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
ACAD_CAREER   Academic Career (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
STDNT_CAR_NBR   Student Career Nbr (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
 EFFDT    Effective Date (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
 EFFSEQ    Effective Sequence (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
 ACAD_PLAN   Academic Plan (the student's major or minor.)
 DECLARE_DT   Declare Date 
 PLAN_SEQUENCE   Plan Sequence 
 REQ_TERM    Requirement Term 
 COMPLETION_TERM   Completion Term 
 STDNT_DEGR   Student Degree Nbr 
 DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT  Degree Checkout Status 
 ADVIS_STATUS   Advisement Status 
 SSR_YR_OF_PROG   Year of Program 
 SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM  Last Update Date/Time


STDNT_CAR_TERMis created when the student is term activated.  A student MUST be term activated in order to enroll in class and that student MUST be active in a program to be term activated.

STDNT_CAR_TERM contains a running total of the student's activity at the institution.  The layout is below.

Basically, ACAD_PROG owns STDNT_CAR_TERM and that should be considered in any query writing.

Field NameDescription/Notes
EMPLID    Empl ID (key; must equal that of ACAD_PROG.)
ACAD_CAREER   Academic Career (key; must equal that of ACAD_PROG.)
INSTITUTION   Academic Institution (key; must equal that of ACAD_PROG.) 
STRM    Term (key)
REG_CARD_DATE   Registration Card Date 
WITHDRAW_CODE   Withdrawal \ Cancel 
WITHDRAW_REASON  Withdrawal \ Cancel Reason 
WITHDRAW_DATE   Withdrawal \ Cancel Date 
LAST_DATE_ATTENDED  Last Date of Attendance 
STDNT_CAR_NBR   Student Career Nbr (NOT a key; must equal that of ACAD_PROG.)
ACAD_PROG_PRIMARY  Primary Academic Program 
ACAD_LOAD_APPR   Approved Academic Load 
ACADEMIC_LOAD   Academic Load 
FA_LOAD    Financial Aid Load 
ACAD_LEVEL_PROJ   Academic Level - Projected
ACAD_LEVEL_BOT   Academic Level - Term Start
ACAD_LEVEL_EOT   Academic Level - Term End
OVRD_ACAD_LVL_PROJ  Override Projected Level 
OVRD_ACAD_LVL_ALL  Override All Academic Levels 
ELIG_TO_ENROLL   Eligible to Enroll 
OVRD_MAX_UNITS   Override Maximum Units 
MAX_TOTAL_UNIT   Max Total Units 
MAX_AUDIT_UNIT   Max Audit Units 
MAX_WAIT_UNIT   Max Wait List Units 
MIN_TOTAL_UNIT   Min Total Units 
OVRD_BILL_UNITS   Override Billing Units 
PROJ_BILL_UNT   Projected Bill Units 
UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS  Units Taken for Progress (if the student is enrolled in credit bearing courses, this number will be greater than zero.) 
UNT_PASSD_PRGRSS  Units Passed for Progress (*** any field starting with UNT is a term total.)
UNT_TAKEN_GPA   Units Taken Toward GPA 
UNT_PASSD_GPA   Units Passed Toward GPA 
UNT_TAKEN_NOGPA  Units Taken Not Toward GPA 
UNT_PASSD_NOGPA  Units Passed Not Toward GPA 
UNT_INPROG_GPA   Units In Progress - GPA
UNT_INPROG_NOGPA  Unit In Progress - Not for GPA 
GRADE_POINTS   Grade Points 
UNT_AUDIT   Units Audited 
UNT_TRNSFR   Units Transferred 
TRF_TAKEN_GPA   Transfer Taken for GPA 
TRF_TAKEN_NOGPA  Transfer Taken Not for GPA 
TRF_PASSED_GPA   Transfer Passed for GPA 
TRF_PASSED_NOGPA  Transfer Passed Not for GPA 
TRF_GRADE_POINTS  Transfer Grade Points 
UNT_TEST_CREDIT  Units from Test Credit 
UNT_OTHER   Units from Other Credit 
UNT_TAKEN_FA   Fin Aid Progress Units Taken 
UNT_PASSD_FA   Fin Aid Progress Units Passed 
UNT_TAKEN_FA_GPA  FA Units Taken Toward GPA 
GRADE_POINTS_FA  Financial Aid Grade Points 
UNT_TERM_TOT   Total Term Units 
RESET_CUM_STATS  Reset Cum Stats at Term Start 
TOT_TAKEN_PRGRSS  Total Taken for Progress (*** any field starting with TOT is a career total.)
TOT_PASSD_PRGRSS  Total Passed for Progress 
TOT_TAKEN_GPA   Total Taken Toward GPA 
TOT_PASSD_GPA   Total Passed Toward GPA 
TOT_TAKEN_NOGPA  Total Taken Not Toward GPA 
TOT_PASSD_NOGPA  Total Passed Not Toward GPA 
TOT_INPROG_GPA  Total In Progress - GPA
TOT_INPROG_NOGPA  Total In Progress - Not for GPA
TOT_AUDIT   Total Audited 
TOT_TRNSFR   Total Transferred 
TOT_TEST_CREDIT  Total From Test Credit 
TOT_OTHER   Total from Other Credit 
TOT_CUMULATIVE  Total Cumulative Units 
TOT_GRADE_POINTS  Total Grade Points 
TOT_TAKEN_FA   Total Fin Aid Units Taken 
TOT_PASSD_FA   Total Fin Aid Units Passed 
TOT_TAKEN_FA_GPA  Total Fin Aid Taken Toward GPA 
TOT_GRD_POINTS_FA  Total Fin Aid Grade Points 
FORM_OF_STUDY   Form of Study 
TERM_TYPE   Term Unit Type 
CLASS_RANK_NBR  Class Rank Nbr 
CLASS_RANK_TOT  Class Rank Total 
SEL_GROUP   Tuition Group 
TUIT_CALC_REQ   Tuition Calc Required 
TUIT_CALC_DTTM   Tuit Calc Date Time 
FA_STATS_CALC_REQ  FA Stats Calculation Required 
FA_STATS_CALC_DTTM  FA Stats Calc Date Time 
FA_ELIGIBILITY   Program Eligibility Flag 
BILLING_CAREER   Billing Career 
UNIT_MULTIPLIER   Unit Multiplier 
ACAD_YEAR   Academic Year 
ACAD_GROUP_ADVIS  Academic Group of Advisor 
CUR_RESIDENT_TERMS  Current In Residence Terms 
TRF_RESIDENT_TERMS  Transfer In Residence Terms 
CUM_RESIDENT_TERMS  Cumulative In Residence Terms 
REFUND_PCT   Refund Percentage 
REFUND_SCHEME  Refund Scheme 
PRO_RATA_ELIGIBLE  Pro Rata Eligible
FULLY_ENRL_DT   Fully Enrolled Date 
ENRL_ON_TRANS_DT  Show Enrollment on Transcript 
STATS_ON_TRANS_DT  Show Statistics on Transcript 
FULLY_GRADED_DT  Fully Graded Date 
EXT_ORG_ID   External Org ID 
COUNTRY   Country 
STUDY_AGREEMENT  Study Agreement 
START_DATE   Start Date for Gen Standing PO 
END_DATE   End Date 
MAX_CRSE_COUNT  Max Total Courses 
CUR_GPA   Current GPA (term GPA, after grades are posted.)
CUM_GPA   Cumulative GPA 
REGISTERED   Registered 
OVRD_TUIT_GROUP  Override Tuition Group 
OVRD_WDRW_SCHED  Override Withdrawal Schedule 
TUITION_RES_TERMS  Tuition Residency 
OVRD_INIT_ADD_FEE  Override Initial Add Fees 
OVRD_INIT_ENR_FEE  Override Initial Enroll Fee 
TC_UNITS_ADJUST  TC Units Adjustment 
LOCK_IN_AMT   Lock In Amount 
LOCK_IN_DT   Lock In Date 
ACAD_CAREER_FIRST  First Time in Career 
ACADEMIC_LOAD_DT  Academic Load Change Date 
UNTPRG_CHG_NSLC_DT  Unit Progrss Changed Date NSC 
SSR_ACTIVATION_DT  Term Activation Date 
SSR_TRF_CUR_GPA  Transfer Credit Current GPA 
SSR_COMB_CUR_GPA  Combined Current GPA 
SSR_CUM_EN_GPA  Enrollment Cumulative GPA 
SSR_TOT_EN_GRDPTS  Enrollment Grade Points 
SSR_TOT_EN_TKNGPA  Units Taken Toward GPA 
SSR_CUM_TR_GPA  Transfer Credit Cumulative GPA 
SSR_TOT_TR_GRDPTS  Transfer Credit Grade Points 
SSR_TOT_TR_TKNGPA  Units Taken Toward GPA


STDNT_ENRL is created when a student enrolls in a class or is waitlisted for that class.  Even if the student subsequently drops the class, the record remains, but the status changes.  STDNT_ENRL is owned by STDNT_CAR_TERM.  The layout is below.

For each class, a student will have one of these records. This does not mean that the student is enrolled. For that, the field STDNT_ENRL_STATUS must be checked. If a student is enrolled, the status will be 'E'; if a student is waitlisted for a class, the status will be 'W'; if the student was enrolled and subsequently dropped the class, the status would be 'D'. Therefore, you must check the STDNT_ENRL_STATUS for 'E' to determine in which classes a student is enrolled or even if this is an enrolled student for the term.  

STDNT_ENRL is missing some class information, such as subject, catalog number and description. For this detail, you must join STDNT_ENRL to CLASS_TBL, which contains that class information. Or, instead of using STDNT_ENRL, use the view CLASS_TBL_SE_VW, which joins STDNT_ENRL to CLASS_TBL for you.

Field NameDescription/Notes
EMPLID    Empl ID (key)
 ACAD_CAREER   Academic Career (key)
INSTITUTION   Academic Institution (key) 
STRM    Term (key)
CLASS_NBR   Class Nbr (key)
CRSE_CAREER   Course Career 
SESSN_ENRL_CNTL   Enrollment Control Session 
STDNT_ENRL_STATUS  Student Enrollment Status 
ENRL_STATUS_REASON  Enrollment Status Reason ('E' for enrolled, 'W' for waitlisted, 'D' for dropped.)
ENRL_ACTION_LAST   Last Enrollment Action 
ENRL_ACTN_RSN_LAST  Last Enrl Action Reason 
ENRL_ACTN_PRC_LAST  Last Enrollment Action Process 
STATUS_DT   Status Date 
ENRL_ADD_DT   Enrollment Add Date 
ENRL_DROP_DT   Enrollment Drop Date 
UNT_TAKEN   Units Taken 
UNT_PRGRSS   Units Taken - Academic Progress
UNT_PRGRSS_FA   Units Taken - Fin Aid Progress
UNT_BILLING   Billing Units 
CRSE_COUNT   Course Count 
GRADING_BASIS_DT  Grading Basis Date 
OVRD_GRADING_BASIS  Override Grading Basis 
CRSE_GRADE_OFF   Official Grade 
GRADE_DT   Grade Date 
REPEAT_CODE   Repeat Code 
REPEAT_DT   Repeat Date 
CLASS_PRMSN_NBR  Class Permission Nbr 
ASSOCIATED_CLASS  Associated Class 
STDNT_POSITIN   Student Position 
AUDIT_GRADE_BASIS  Audit Grading Basis 
EARN_CREDIT   Earn Credit 
INCLUDE_IN_GPA   Include in GPA 
UNITS_ATTEMPTED  Units Attempted 
GRADE_POINTS   Grade Points 
GRADE_POINTS_FA  Financial Aid Grade Points 
GRD_PTS_PER_UNIT  Grade Points Per Unit 
MANDATORY_GRD_BAS  Mandatory Grading Basis 
RSRV_CAP_NBR   Reserve Capacity Sequence 
RQMNT_DESIGNTN  Requirement Designation 
RQMNT_DESIGNTN_OPT  Requirement Designation Option 
RQMNT_DESIGNTN_GRD  Requirement Designation Grade 
INSTRUCTOR_ID   Instructor ID 
DROP_CLASS_IF_ENRL  Drop This Class if Enrolled 
ASSOCIATION_99   Association 99 
OPRID    User ID 
TSCRPT_NOTE_ID  Transcript Note ID 
TSCRPT_NOTE_EXISTS  Transcript Note Exists Flag 
NOTIFY_STDNT_CHNG  Notify Student of Change 
REPEAT_CANDIDATE  Repeat Candidate Flag 
VALID_ATTEMPT   Valid Attempted Grade 
GRADE_CATEGORY  Grade Category 
SEL_GROUP   Tuition Group 
DYN_CLASS_NBR  Dynamic Class Nbr 
UNT_EARNED   Units Earned 
LAST_UPD_DT_STMP  Last Update Date Stamp 
LAST_UPD_TM_STMP  Last Update Time Stamp 
LAST_ENRL_DT_STMP  Last Enrollment Date Stamp 
LAST_ENRL_TM_STMP  Last Enrollment Time Stamp 
LAST_DROP_DT_STMP  Last Drop Date Stamp 
LAST_DROP_TM_STMP  Last Drop Time Stamp 
ENRL_REQ_SOURCE  Enrollment Request Source 
LAST_UPD_ENREQ_SRC  Enrollment Request Source 
GRADING_SCHEME_ENR  Field is not active yet 
RELATE_CLASS_NBR_1  Field is not active yet 
RELATE_CLASS_NBR_2  Field is not active yet 
ACAD_PROG   Academic Program

Other important Student related tables

The following tables include important student information are:

  1. ACAD_PROG_TBL – details about the program.
  2. ACAD_PLAN_TBL – details about the plan.
  3. ACAD_SUBPLAN - the subplan table, which gives the student's concentration.  ACAD_SUBPLAN is owned by ACAD_PLAN.  The six keys of ACAD_PLAN are the same as the first six of ACAD_SUBPLAN.  Subplans are optional, so you need to join ACAD_SUBPLAN to ACAD_PLAN with an outer join.


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