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This bulletin is the official Baruch College Undergraduate Bulletin that all students should reference – do not reference the bulletin listed on the website of CUNY’s University Registrar. For curriculum questions, please contact the Dean’s Office of the applicable school.

Allen G. Aaronson Department of Marketing and International Business

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Field Description

Marketing is a strategic process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy consumer and organizational objectives. Through its development and management of brand equity, marketing is fundamental to the successful functioning and profitability of any business, large or small. Students can examine the overall marketing management process by taking the general marketing track or may elect to focus on the advertising and marketing communication track or international marketing track.

International business is a multidisciplinary field of relevance to students of business with a broad range of interests and in preparation for careers in organizations ranging from small import-export firms to large multinational corporations.

The department offers a major in marketing management and a major in international business.

The Major in Marketing Management

The Department of Marketing and International Business offers a wide variety of courses to meet the specific career orientations of students interested in any facet of the marketing and international business process. While students will earn BBA degrees in marketing management, the scope and depth of course offerings permit students a choice of designing their own program by taking designated courses from one of five different tracks:

In the track that you choose, you must fulfill the track requirements described below. Your transcript will indicate that you have a major in marketing management with one of the five tracks that you have chosen.

Honors in Marketing: The Department of Marketing and International Business offers honors courses to eligible students who undertake individual projects or a thesis under the direct supervision of an honors advisor for a total of 6 elective credits.

Internship Programs: All tracks offer an internship program to qualified advanced students who meet department criteria.

Information on the Honors Program and on the internship programs can be obtained from the department office, located in Room 12-240 of the Newman Vertical Campus.

Program Learning Goals

General Marketing KnowledgeStudents will gain and apply general marketing knowledge
Consumer BehaviorStudents will understand and explain how consumer behavior influences key marketing decisions.
StrategyStudents will analyze a marketing situation to determine the course of action the organization must undertake based on the organization’s competitive advantage
Critical Thinking SkillsStudents will demonstrate the analytical and critical thinking needed to evaluate marketing problems

General Marketing Track  

Required Courses (15 credits)

International Business Principles3 credits
Marketing Information for Decision-Making3 credits
Consumer Behavior3 credits
Digital Transformation of Marketing3 credits
Marketing Strategy3 credits

Major Electives (9 credits)

Choose three (3) courses (9 credits) from the following.*

Interactive Design: Designing Innovative Digital Products and Services3 credits
Persuasion and Customer Decision3 credits
Making Advertising and Marketing Communications3 credits
Special Topics in Marketing3 credits
Media Planning3 credits
Marketing Web Analytics and Intelligence3 credits
Advertising Creative Strategy and Tactics3 credits
Direct Marketing I: Strategies and Tactics3 credits
Advertising Account Management3 credits
Public Relations3 credits
International Trade Financing3 credits
International Trade Operation3 credits
International Marketing Research and Management3 credits
International Supply Chain Management3 credits
Special Topics in Advertising and Marketing Communications3 credits 
Marketing Channels3 credits
Branding3 credits

Internet Marketing

(course title change to "Advanced Digital Marketing" effective Fall 2023)

3 credits
Digital Advertising3 credits
Entertainment Marketing3 credits
Marketing Analytics3 credits
Special Topics in Digital Marketing3 credits
Text Analytics for Marketing3 credits
Marketing Analytics with Big Data3 credits
Special Topics in Marketing Analytics3 credits
Advertising Account Planning3 credits
Selling and Sales Management3 credits
Communications Skills for Selling and Marketing3 credits
Retailing I: Retail Marketing3 credits
Retailing II: Retailing Management and Merchandising3 credits

Social Media Marketing and New Ventures

(course title change to "Social Media Marketing" effective Fall 2023)

3 credits
Independent Study3 credits
Advertising Campaigns I: Ad Competition3 credits
Advertising Campaigns II: Ad Competition3 credits
Marketing Consulting Practicum3 credits 
Product Planning3 credits
Technology, Innovation, and the Global Enterprise3 credits 
International Economics and Finance3 credits
Law and International Business3 credits
Management of Multinational Corporations3 credits



(internship) may be taken as an additional course as your free elective, but it cannot be taken to satisfy the requirements for the track.

** May be taken more than once if a different topic is dealt with. Topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes.

*** Students may take up to two non-marketing courses as part of their track.

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International Marketing Track

NOTE: Liberal arts courses applied in this major will count towards the 58.5 business credit minimum instead of the 57 liberal arts credit minimum.

Required Courses (18 credits)

International Business Principles3 credits
Marketing Information for Decision-Making3 credits
Consumer Behavior3 credits
Digital Transformation of Marketing3 credits
International Marketing Research and Management3 credits
Marketing Strategy3 credits

Major Electives (6 credits)

Choose any two courses from the following:

Technology, Innovation and Global Enterprise3 credits
International Trade Financing3 credits
International Trade Operations3 credits
International Supply Chain Management3 credits
International Economics and Finance3 credits
Law and International Business3 credits
Intercultural Communication3 credits
International Communication3 credits
Management of Multinational Corporations3 credits

*MKT 5100 (Internship) may be taken as an additional course as your free elective, but it cannot be taken to satisfy the requirements of the track.

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Advertising and Marketing Communication Track  

Required Courses (15 credits)

Advertising and Marketing Communications3 credits
Marketing Information for Decision-Making3 credits
Consumer Behavior3 credits
Digital Transformation of Marketing3 credits
Marketing Strategy3 credits

Major Electives (9 credits)

Choose 3 courses from the following

Media Planning3 credits
Advertising Creative Strategy and Tactics3 credits
Advertising account Management3 credits
Public Relations3 credits
Special Topics in Advertising and Marketing Communications3 credits 
Branding3 credits
Advertising Account Planning3 credits
Advertising Campaigns I: Ad Competition3 credits
Advertising Campaigns II: Ad Competition3 credits
Marketing Consulting Practicum3 credits

The following courses do not count towards fulfilling the requirements for the Advertising track or the Marketing major. However, students interested in advertising may wish to consider taking one or more of the following:

Basic Graphic Communication: Design and Advertising Layout3 credits
Intermediate Graphic Communication: Layout and Pub Design3 credits

*May be taken more than once if a different topic is dealt with. Topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes.

Digital Marketing Track 

Required Courses (18 credits)

Marketing Information for Decision-Making3 credits
Consumer Behavior3 credits
Digital Transformation of Marketing3 credits
Marketing Web Analytics and Intelligence3 credits

Internet Marketing

(course title change to "Advanced Digital Marketing" effective Fall 2023)

3 credits
Marketing Strategy3 credits

Major Electives (6 credits)

Choose two courses (6 credits) from the following, one of which must be a marketing (MKT) or international business (IBS) course.

Media Planning3 credits
Public Relations3 credits
International Supply Chain Management3 credits
Digital Advertising3 credits
Marketing Analytics3 credits
Special Topics in Digital Marketing3 credits
Text Analytics for Marketing3 credits
Marketing Analytics with Big Data3 credits

Social Media Marketing and New Ventures

(course title change to "Social Media Marketing" effective Fall 2023)

3 credits
 Marketing Consulting Practicum3 credits
Technology, Innovation, and the Global Enterprise3 credits
e-Business Technologies3 credits
Law and the Internet3 credits
Technology, Innovation, and Design in Entrepreneurship3 credits
Digital Marketing Track  (effective Fall 2023)

Required Courses (18 credits)

Marketing Information for Decision-Making3 credits
Consumer Behavior3 credits
Digital Transformation of Marketing3 credits
Advanced Digital Marketing (new course title effective Fall 2023)3 credits
Social Media Marketing (new course title effective Fall 2023)3 credits
Marketing Strategy3 credits

Major Electives (6 credits)

Choose two courses (6 credits) from the following:

Media Planning3 credits
Marketing Web Analytics and Intelligence3 credits
Public Relations3 credits
International Supply Chain Management3 credits
Digital Advertising3 credits
Marketing Analytics3 credits
Special Topics in Digital Marketing3 credits
Text Analytics for Marketing3 credits
Marketing Analytics with Big Data3 credits
 Marketing Consulting Practicum3 credits
Technology, Innovation, and the Global Enterprise3 credits
e-Business Technologies3 credits
Law and the Internet3 credits
Technology, Innovation, and Design in Entrepreneurship3 credits

*May be taken more than once if a different topic is dealt with. Topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes.

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The Major in International Business

Baruch College has recognized international business as an important area of study for over 60 years. The International Business major builds on that history and provide students with a comprehensive understanding of international business principles as they apply in a business setting, expertise in a functional area (initially marketing or finance) within traditional business disciplines, appreciation and awareness of foreign cultures and practices in both business and social environments, knowledge of a second language to conduct business in a foreign country, and practical business experience in an international environment, i.e., the practicum project in the capstone course and possibly an international internship.

Students who graduate from this program will be some of the most well-rounded graduates because they have likely lived in a foreign country, learned a foreign language, worked on international projects, become an expert in a functional business area, and met the requirements of a Baruch BBA degree.

For a major in international business, students are required to take: (1) 21 credits of international-related courses (four core courses and three electives); (2) a three-course minor in either finance or marketing; and (3) a liberal arts minor in a foreign language.

Information on the major, the internship, and language courses can also be obtained from the Weissman Center for International Business, located in Room 810, 137 East 25th Street, telephone: 646-312-2070, and from Sarah Demetz ( telephone: 646-312-2073;

Note: Liberal arts courses applied in this major will count towards the 54 business credit minimum instead of the 62 liberal arts credit minimum.

Required Courses (12 credits)

International Business Principles3 credits
International Markets, Cultures, and Institutions3 credits
Management of Multinational Corporations3 credits
International Competitiveness Capstone3 credits

Electives (9 credits)

Choose three additional courses from the following:

International Trade Financing3 credits
International Trade Operations3 credits
International Supply Chain Management3 credits
Intercultural Communication3 credits
Law and International Business3 credits
Political Economy3 credits 
International Organizations3 credits
Technology, Innovation, and the Global Enterprise3 credits
Special Topics in International Business3 credits
Special Topics in International Business1.5 credits
Independent Study3 credits

Required Courses for Minor

Minor in Marketing (9 credits) 
Consumer Behavior3 credits
International Marketing Research and Management3 credits
Marketing Strategy3 credits 
Minor in Finance (9 credits)
Corporate Finance3 credits

Investment Analysis

3 credits
International Economics and Finance3 credits

Language Requirement

The International Business major requires students to study a foreign language. Students will take 2 courses at the 3000 level and 1 course at the 4000 level (i.e., capstone class) in a foreign language. However, students who demonstrate proficiency in a second language via a test would not be required to study a second language.

Students who entered Baruch prior to Fall 2013 have the choice to opt-in to Pathways or to complete the set of general education requirements that is currently in place at the college (the Baruch Common Core). Under this latter set of requirements, students would pursue three foreign language courses (i.e., 2 at the 3000 level and 1 4000 level course) as a Tier III minor, unless they successfully complete a language proficiency test.

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Minors for Business Major*

Students pursuing a non-marketing major within the Zicklin School of Business may choose between a minor in marketing or international business. Each minor consists of 9 credits.

Choose any three courses (9 credits) from those offered by the Department of Marketing and International Business, except MKT 3000. The selection of courses should be based on the recognition that everyone, regardless of major, needs to engage in marketing, whether for oneself, one's business, one's product, or one's service. Accordingly, course selection should be based on an assessment of which courses will best further one's career goals. Note that most courses have pre or corequisites.

Marketing Analytics

The minor consists of 9 credits
Required Courses (3 credits)

Marketing Analytics

3 credits

 Elective Courses (6 credits)
Marketing Web Analytics and Intelligence 3 credits

Internet Marketing

(course title change to "Advanced Digital Marketing" effective Fall 2023)

 3 credits
Special Topics in Marketing Analytics * 3 credits
Marketing Analytics with Big Data3 credits
Data Mining for Business Analytics 3 credits

* May be taken more than once if a different topic is dealt with. Topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes.

International Business †

International Business Principles3 credits
Plus two of the following, keeping in mind that most of these courses have pre- or corequisites:
International Trade Operations3 credits
International Marketing3 credits
International Logistics3 credits
International Economics and Finance3 credits
Law and International Business3 credits
Management of Multinational Corporations3 credits

**Optional second minors open only to students pursuing a major within the Zicklin School of Business.

†Marketing management majors (except those in the international marketing track) may elect the international business minor. They must substitute another international business course for MKT 3400 if used for the marketing management major.

Minors for Non-Business Major

Students in the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences or in the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs who wish to take business courses may do so by declaring a minor in marketing or in international business. Before declaring the minor, they must complete either BUS 1001 (1 credit) or have previously completed BUS 1011 (3 credits). To be awarded the minor, students must have a GPA of 2.0 or more in the courses included in the minor. Eligibility to declare such a minor is restricted to students who have an overall GPA of 2.0 or more at the time they declare the minor. Courses that apply to the minor may not be used for any other requirement. This minor does not fulfill the requirement to complete a liberal arts minor.

Students must choose three courses (9 credits) from the following:
Marketing Foundations3 credits
International Business Principles3 credits
Advertising and Marketing Communications3 credits
Marketing Information for Decision-Making 3 credits
Consumer Behavior3 credits

Internet Marketing

(course title change to "Advanced Digital Marketing" effective Fall 2023)

3 credits
Marketing Analytics3 credits

International Business

International Business Principles3 credits
International Trade Operations3 credits
International Supply Chain Management3 credits
International Economics3 credits
Law and International Business3 credits

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Courses in Marketing (MKT)

Marketing Foundations

3 credits

Special Topics in Marketing

3 credits

Special Topics in Marketing

1.5 credits

Interaction Design: Designing Innovative Digital Products and Services

3 credits

Special Topics in International Marketing

3 credits

Special Topics in International Marketing

1.5 credits

International Business Principles

3 credits

Persuasion and Customer Decision Making

3 credits

Special Topics in Advertising and Marketing Communications3 credits
Special Topics in Advertising and Marketing Communications1.5 credits

Advertising and Marketing Communications

3 credits

Special Topics in Digital Marketing3 credits
Special Topics in Digital Marketing1.5 credits

Marketing Information for Decision-Making 

3 credits

Consumer Behavior

3 credits

Digital Transformation of Marketing3 credits
Special Topics in Marketing Analytics3 credits
Special Topics in Marketing Analytics1.5 credits

Selected Topics in Marketing

3 credits

Special Topics in Marketing

1.5 credits

Media Planning

3 credits

Marketing Web Analytics and Intelligence

3 credits

Advertising Creative Strategy and Tactics

3 credits

Direct and Interactive Marketing

3 credits

Advertising Account Management3 credits

Public Relations

3 credits

Search Marketing3 credits
Special Topics in International Marketing3 credits
Special Topics in International Marketing1.5 credits

International Trade Financing

3 credits

International Trade Operations

3 credits

International Marketing Research and Management

3 credits

International Supply Chain Management

3 credits

Marketing Channels

3 credits


3 credits

Pricing Management

3 credits

Internet Marketing

(course title change to "Advanced Digital Marketing" effective Fall 2023)

3 credits

Digital Advertising

3 credits

Entertainment Marketing

3 credits

Marketing Analytics3 credits
Text Analytics for Marketing3 credits
 Marketing Analytics with Big Data3 credits
Special Topics in Marketing Analytics3 credits
Special Topics in Marketing Analytics1.5 credits

Advertising Account Planning

3 credits

Selling and Sales Management

3 credits

Communication Skills for Selling and Marketing

3 credits

Retailing I: Retail Marketing

3 credits

Retailing II: Retailing Management and Merchandising

3 credits

Social Media Marketing and New Ventures

(course title change to "Social Media Marketing" effective Fall 2023)

3 credits

Ind Stud Mkt I

3 credits

Marketing Internship

3 credits

Advertising Campaigns I: Ad Competition

3 credits

Advertising Campaigns II : Ad Competition

3 credits

Marketing Consulting Practicum3 credits

Product Planning and Development

3 credits

Marketing Strategy

3 credits

Hon Mkt Foundations

3 credits

Hon Intl Bus Prin

3 credits

Hon Mkt Internship

3 credits

Hon Mkt Strategy

3 credits

Hon Marketing I

3 credits per semester

Hon Marketing II

3 credits per semester

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Courses in International Business (IBS)

Technology, Innovation, and the Global Enterprise

3 credits

Special Topics in International Business3 credits
Special Topics in International Business1.5 credits

Special Topics in International Business

3 credits

Special Topics in International Business

1.5 credits

International Markets, Cultures, and Institutions

3 credits

Independent Study in International Business

3 credits

International Competitiveness Capstone

3 credits

Honors International Competitiveness Capstone

3 credits

International Business Honors

6 credits

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