Department : Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB

Andrea Legnani

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Mu Li

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Alexander Lirtsman

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Kirandeep Mander

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Lorraine M Martinez-Novoa

Adj Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Verina Mathis-Crawford

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Stephanie Mattera

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Arek Melemetci

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Vladica Mijatovic

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Mark A Misercola

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business