The geospatial services team operates out of the GIS Lab, located on the 9th floor of the Library / Tech building in rooms 951 & 952. Baruch students, faculty, and staff can meet with the Geospatial Data Librarian to discuss projects and get assistance, and can work independently on GIS or data-related projects in the lab with help nearby. CUNY affiliates are also welcome to inquire. Appointments are required (sorry, no drop-ins).

We specialize in: Census and demographic data, geographic and place-based datasets, GIS and mapping (see our goals and services)


The GIS Lab is currently closed and the position of Geospatial Data Librarian is vacant.

For questions related to data and GIS services, contact:

Former GDL Frank Donnelly can be reached at his new position at Brown University

Baruch GIS Lab

The lab is equipped with:

  • Two MS Windows workstations, wifi and ample workspace for laptops. Workstations have: ArcGIS, QGIS, GRASS, Geoda, OpenRefine, Python 3.x (Anacondas), R (R Studio), Spatialite / SQLite, PostgreSQL / PostGIS, and both the MS Office and Libre Office suites.
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