NYC Geodatabase - Latest Version (August 2020)

For previous versions of the database see the NYC Geodatabase Archive.

NYC Geodatabase dataset creation scripts on GitHub

NameFile TypeDownload
nyc_gdb for QGIS (Spatialite version)
Introduction and tutorial (Spatialite version)pdfintro_nycgdb_foss.pdf
nyc_gdb for ArcGIS (MS Access version)
Introduction and tutorial (MS Access version)pdfintro_nycgdb_arc.pdf
Two-page summary of the databasepdfnycgdb_brief.pdf
Data dictionarypdfdatadiction_aug2020.pdf

NYC ZCTA Population Tables

(an extract of the database)

NYC Geodatabase Example

Disclaimer: Every effort was made to insure that the data, which was compiled from public sources, was processed accurately. The creator, Baruch College, and CUNY disclaim any liability for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may be contained therein or for any damages that may arise from the foregoing. Users should independently verify the accuracy of the data for their purposes.

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