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Jonas E. Salk Award

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Created by the Board of Estimate of the City of New York in 1955 to honor the City College graduate who developed the first anti-polio vaccine, the Jonas Salk scholarships are awarded annually to eight graduates of the CUNY senior colleges. The scholarships are awarded to students who have been accepted to a U.S. medical school and have performed scientific research as an undergraduate. The student's research papers are reviewed and recipients are selected for their potential to make significant contributions to medical research. The winners receive a total of $8,000 ($2,000 per year for four-year medical schools to help defray the cost for the M.D., Ph.D. or D.Sc in Biomedical Sciences or D.O. degree. Two paid summer internships at the Salk Institute for Biomedical Studies in La Jolla, California may also be available to recipients of the Salk Scholarship. Students must apply for the scholarship through their CUNY campus pre-medical office.

Award / Eligibility Details:

Undergraduates and recent graduates of the senior colleges of The City University of New York who have received an acceptance for admission to the first year of an American university in pursuit of the M.D., Ph.D or D.Sc. in Biomedical Sciences, or D.O. degree are eligible for nomination

Deadline: Early March each year.

Academic Level: Graduate, Post-Undergraduate

Type/Purpose: Graduate School Funding

Field of Study: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

Location: United States

Citizenship eligibility: All, Foreign Citizen / International Student, Permanent Resident, US Citizen, US National

Special Circumstances:

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